"Remember us"

ilynnie #2396

Hi there!

I'm trying to translate a quote into Quenya and then pop it into tengwar.

The quote is "Remember. Remember us."

I've come up with "Enyalië. Enyalmen." but I'm not sure that quite does the trick - Enyalië being more like "rememberance" or "memory" as I understand it. Any comments/tips?

I'd be very grateful for any input anyone may have, thank you.

Gilruin #2397

“Remember” seems more like an order here, so I would use the imperative: á enyale. “Remember us” would then be either áme enyale or á enyale me. In Tengwar:

á enyaleá enyale
áme enyaleáme enyale
á enyale meá enyale me
Röandil #2398

Enyalie is the noun "memory" (lit. "recalling" < en- "re-again" + yal- "call, summon" + gerund suffix -ie); you're rather after the verb "to remember." I'd actually recommend the neologism ren- here inflected as a command: á rene.

Quenya distinguishes a few different kinds of "us": me (excluding the addressee), ve (including), met "us two (but not you)," and vet "you and me." We need more context to provide the proper pronoun. Who's speaking to whom?

ilynnie #2400

Amazing thank you both. I knew I didn’t quite get it right!

The speaker is addressing another asking them to remember the speaker and their compatriots, so, the “us” excluding the addressee seems more appropriate?

Röandil #2402

Then yep, I'd say á rene me (tengwar transcription: á rene me) or áme rene (áme rene). There are different arguments about where the pronoun should go there in Tolkien's latest ideas, but we have both structures attested.

Gilruin's transcriptions with enyal- are good! I'd posit based on current evidence that the difference between them is that to enyale something is to call it back to mind, while to rene is to hold it in memory. The latter seems fitting for your context. We don't have the verb ren- attested explicitly, however, so I wouldn't inscribe this anywhere permanent (e.g. as a tattoo).

ilynnie #2409

Fabulous, thank you so much. I appreciate it a lot.