Translation for the word "repent"

Julie Manning #1921

Help! I'm looking to translate metanoeo, the greek word for "repent" & I don't know where to start. The definition is "a change of mind, thought, or thinking so powerful that it changes one's very way of life." Is there an elvish word or phrase that may come close? Thank you!

Quirinius #1926

There is no Elvish word for "to repent," but one can form a neologism like

  • Q. en- + sana- > essana-, ⪤ S. ad- + sana- > athana-, or, if formed later, assana-, simply meaning "to re-think;"

  • or Q. en- + orya- (< S. geria-) > en(g)orya- ⪤ S. ad- + geria- > echeria-, or, if formed later, ederia- or egeria-, meaning "to re-ponder (deeply, from the heart)," which has a much stronger implication and sense than the former. (I-affection causes ad- to become ed-.)