Names in Silvan

Adaridh #3792


I want to translate a couple of names, and I would really appreciate some help!

I'm mostly interested in the languages of Silvan and as it's not one of the more prominent ones, is it more similar to either Sindarin or Quenya? Because then I might pick one of them instead of Silvan.


Lars is derived from the Latin name Laurentius, which means "from Laurentum" or "crowned with laurel"


Nikólaos is rooted in Greek and means "people of victory" or "champion."


Walter is a Germanic name meaning "commander of the army."


From Absalom, Hebrew word meaning “father of peace”

Esterön..? Peace + male suffix?

Adaresteron..? father + peace + male suffix..?

Thank you!

Kind regards,


Rínor #3794

Hello TBA!

Unfornuatlly there is not enough information to properly form Silvan names who spoke Nandorin. See here

Sindarin quickly overtook Silvan Elvish in common use. So these names could be rendered into Sindarin.

  • Larz “crown of laurel leaves” Rinor from rîn “crowned”
  • Niklas “people of victory" or "champion” Turwaith “People of Victory” from tûr + gwaith
  • Valter “walt—”power”—and hari—”warrior” Balvaethor “Power Warrior” from bal + maethor
  • Axel “Father of peace” Adaridh “Father of Peace” from adar + îdh
Adaridh #3795

Thank you so very much! I'm impressed and grateful.

TBA stood for to be announced, now everything is as it should be.

kind regards,
