Translation check for names

Blank Is Blind #3717


I am new both to the sight and to Elvish in general. I am working on a fan fiction and would like to have the names of characters, places and things as accurate as possible when using Elvish. I have tried reading a number of the resources provided here in the hopes of getting a better understanding of Quenya and Sindarin but I am struggling to make sense of it all. I tried my best at formulating some names but there are only two that I wish to have double checked at this time.

The first is a character name in Quenya: Netyamë. I used the word search at and chose "Netya" as a bit of a play on words as the character is both pretty and small and works as a gardener, hence the verb "adorn" seemed acceptable as she specializes in flowers.

The second word is a place name in Sindarin: Tol Tithen. It is supposed to be the name of a small island, so I simply checked the naming of other canon islands and hoped this combination would be acceptable.

Rínor #3718

Welcome, While I can't help with Quenya. I can help with Sindarin tithen is an adj. So It would be Tol Dithen cf. S. Tol Galen, loc. “Green Isle”. Tithen would undergo soft mutation which would cause t > d.

A couple more you could use would be Tol Bîn “Little Isle” or Tol Vîw. “Small Isle”

Blank Is Blind #3731

Thank you very much for your help. The mutations are one of the hardest parts for me to understand.