Sindarin for "I have never lost hope."

david wendelken #2937

Some relevant words:

Estel hope

Penim I have not

Bannen lost

Savo amdir have hope (wrong kind of hope, though)

Penestel hopeless

Best I've come up with so far is:

Penim bannen estel I have not lost hope

Penim Penestel I have not hopelessness

Röandil #2939

Translations with dictionaries alone are almost guaranteed to be gibberish.

I'd say something like Allu líthannen estel, lit. "Never have I lost hope," using neologisms allu and lítha-.

david wendelken #2943


I fully understand the overwhelming weaknesses of the dictionary approach! I'm just really having trouble with key sindarin language concepts, it's not sinking in. The pronouns often seem to be (somehow) embedded in the verbs and it's still greatly confusing me.