Quenya for "Wind Chimes"

david wendelken #2908

Quenya word or phrase for wind chimes.

Relevant words:

súru, wind

vëa, wind

súrë, wind, breeze

vailë, wind

wá, wind

wai, wind, weave

vaiwa, wind

vailima, windy

súlimë, windy one

lírë, song

lindalë, music

lindelë, music

lirilla, lay, song

tindon, lay

lindë, air, tune, singing, song

cairë, lay

lindelin, melody, tune

Relevant examples:

ondolindë, singing stone

airalindë, holy song

laurelin song of gold, singing gold

Some options I see:

súrulindë, wind music, wind air (tune)

súrëlindë, wind music, breeze music, breezy air (tune)

súlindë, breezy music, breezy air (tune)

I'm leaning towards súlindë. (súllindë ?)

I like the pun of "air" for music or tune, and breeze is a better fit than wind, which could be too strong for wind chimes.

david wendelken #2925


Tamas Ferencz #2926

Are you trying to translate the physical instrument or the sound that it makes?

david wendelken #2927

I was asking for the physical instrument, but I might prefer the sound it makes instead. (Even better, both! :) ) Thanks!

Tamas Ferencz #2928

I think for the instrument I'd go with words meaning "bell", after all windchimes are little bells even if some of them are actually little tubes and not shaped as bells.

súre has a stem-form súri-, so I'd offer súrinyelle, súrindyel. You could replace súre with hwesta "breeze", but I don't think it's necessary.

For the sound itself, súrilinde or maybe súriláma, or perhaps one can revive the Early Quenya word nalie as it does not seem to clash with any later word (>súrinalie)

david wendelken #2930

Very helpful, thanks!