Quenya for "Hunter of Loneliness"

david wendelken #2905

Not a lonely hunter, or a single hunter all by themselves, but a thing that hunts and consumes loneliness.

Relevant words:

spar hunt

farasta hunting, the chase

farea hunting

rauta to hunt

fara- to hunt

roimë, hunt, hunting

raust, hunting, preying

farale, hunting

faralë, hunting

ornendur tree-keeper, forester, woodsman

*tauron forester

-(n)dur, servant, to serve

-o of, from

eressëa, lonely

Possible constructed components, all meaning a servant of the hunt, i.e., a hunter:

farandur, faradur, sparandur, sparadur

Giving us one of these to choose from?

faradur eressëao

farandur eressëao

sparandur eressëao

sparadur eressëao

david wendelken #2934


Tamas Ferencz #2935

OK, some comments:

  • "sp" as a combination is not permitted in Quenya at the start of words; if you see words like that in dictionaries they are either primitive forms or are Telerin

  • eressea is an adjective, not a noun; the word you are looking for is eresse "solitude"

  • I don't think -ndur" fits the context; I'd rather go for an agental suffix like mo: faramo "hunter"

  • the genitive implies "coming from, part of"; here, loneliness is an object of the hunting, which you can express by using the possessive case: faramo eresseva "hunter of loneliness"; attested example: eldamo.org

david wendelken #2936
