Help with the word Maethril

Rostlund #1677


I was wondering if someone could help me with some advice. I have seen the word maethril on Pinterest which there is used as female warrior as I understand it in Sindarin. It is not listed on this website so I just wanted to be sure if it was correct.

Secondly I was wondering how could you use this word to say "you warrior" in Sindarin? (If there are ways to say it in ex. Quenya instead that is ok too. I would just prefer it to still be a referring to a female warrior if it is possible.)


Röandil #1678

I think maethril works as a neologism (fan-constructed) word for a female warrior, yes. Is there any context to your question, or is it the simple statement "you, warrior"?

Sindarin, like many real-world languages, makes an informal/formal distinction in the second person. For informal/familiar "you warrior," I'd say ci maethril; formal/polite, le maethril.

Rostlund #1679

Thank you! Sorry it meant to say "your warrior" like "I am your warrior" (not you).

Rainelda #1680

I think maethrilegen (informal) or maethrilelen (formal) would be your warrior, but you might want a second opinion on that, since I'm pretty new to this. I think you could say ni maethilegen for I am your warrior.

Röandil #1682

We know so little about those possessive suffixes that they're generally not recommended these days. Independent possessive adjectives are much more common in attested material.

For "I am your warrior," I'd say Ni i vaethril gín (informal) / Ni i vaethril lín (polite), lit. "I (am) the warrior your." [Ni i might contract to n'i or in quick speech.]