Translation Help: Sindarin

Rainelda #1664


I was wondering if anyone could help me translate "let's go," or "let us go" into Sindarin. I have ledhim or we go, but I was wondering if there was anything closer.


Röandil #1665

This one's tricky, as we don't have examples of such a hortative ("we"-imperative) in late writings. I think in light of that, a simple "we go" is fine.

"Go" is more likely to be men- in late-period Sindarin, and -m for first-person plural is hard to reconcile with later etymologies, so I'd say exclusive menif ("we, but not you, go") or inclusive menib ("we, and you, go"). Some authors argue that Sindarin lost this clusivity distinction and would recommend -f for both, which I think is fine!

Another option might be a simple (a) tolo! "(oh) come!" addressed to the group in question.

Rainelda #1666

Thank you so much! This really helps.