Glossary by Nimlothiel

These are the 14 latest contributions by Nimlothiel.

Language Word / sense Gloss
Sindarin ilphen / people everyone
Sindarin ithilgalad / moonlight light of the moon, moonlight
Sindarin ithilgalad / moonlight light of the moon, moonlight
Sindarin uiveleth / love eternal love, love that will last for ever
Quenya alassëa / joy happy, joyous
Sindarin besta- / marry to wed, marry
Sindarin best / wedding marriage, matrimony, wedding
Sindarin rúthui / emotion angry, wrathful
Sindarin nínui / tear tearful
Sindarin olui / dream dreamy
Sindarin glassui / happy happy, joyful
Sindarin echuia- / awaken to awake, wake up
Sindarin lilt / dance dance
Sindarin lilla- / dance dance, to dance