Quenya 


maid, girl

wendi noun "maid, girl" (LT1:271), "young or small woman, girl" (VT48:18); see wendë



wendë noun "maid" (GWEN), wendë > vendë "maiden" (WEN/WENED, VT45:16, VT47:17). Sana wendë "that maiden" (PE16:96 cf. 90). According to VT47:17, this word for "maiden" is "applied to all stages up to the fully adult (until marriage)".Early "Qenya" also had wendi "maid, girl" (LT1:271); this may look like a plural form in Tolkiens later Quenya. On the other hand, VT48:18 lists a word wendi "young or small woman, girl". It is unclear whether this is Quenya or a Common Eldarin form, but probably the former: PE17:191 displays the word for "maiden" as wendē, so the Quenya stem form is probably *wende- rather than wendi*-, the stem-form that would result from Common Eldarin wendi). In his Quenya translation of the Sub Tuum Praesidium, Tolkien used Wendë/Vendë to translate "virgin" with reference to the Virgin Mary. Here the plural genitive Wenderon appears in the phrase Wendë mi Wenderon "Virgin of Virgins"; we might have expected Wendion instead (VT44:18).If the pl. form of wendë is wender rather than wendi, as the gen.pl. wenderon suggests, this may be to avoid confusion with the sg. wendi** "girl".


maid, girl

wen noun "maid, girl" (*wend-), in early "Qenya" also wendi (Tolkien's later Quenya form wendë occurs in MC:215 and in Etym, stems GWEN, WEN/WENED). (LT1:271, 273)

Sindarin 



1) iell (-iel) (girl, daughter), pl. ill, 2) sell (i hell) (daughter, girl), pl. sill (i sill), coll. pl. sellath** **



(-iel) (girl, daughter), pl. ill



(i hell) (daughter, girl), pl. sill (i sill), coll. pl. *sellath*** **

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya


noun. maid, girl, maiden



  • ᴱ√GWENE “*maiden; woman” ✧ GL/45; LT1A/Urwen; QL/103; QL/103

Element in


  • wendi ✧ GL/45; LT1A/Urwen; QL/060; QL/103 (wendi)
  • wen ✧ LT1A/Urwen; LT1A/Wendelin
  • ’wen ✧ QL/103
  • ’wendi ✧ QL/103
  • wend- ✧ QL/103 (wend-)
Early Quenya [GL/45; LT1A/Ónen; LT1A/Urwen; LT1A/Wendelin; QL/060; QL/096; QL/103] Group: Eldamo. Published by