Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Middle Primitive Elvish


root. hump

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “hump”, with Quenya and Noldorin derivatives of the same meaning (Ety/TUMPU). It might be a later iteration of the root ᴱ√KUPU “hump” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s which had derivatives like ᴱQ. kumpo “pile” and ᴱG. cub “hollow” (QL/49; GL/27). Alternately, it could be a later interation of ᴱ√TUMU “swell (with idea of hollowness)” (gloss marked with “?”) from the same document, but the one clear derivative of ᴱ√TUMU was ᴱQ. tumbe “trumpet, large horn” (QL/95), which seems unrelated to 1930s ᴹ√TUMPU.


  • ᴹQ. tumpo “hump, lump” ✧ Ety/TUMPU
  • ᴺS. tomp “humped, bulging”
  • N. tump “hump” ✧ Ety/TUMPU
Middle Primitive Elvish [Ety/TUMPU] Group: Eldamo. Published by