Sindarin 

Tol Galen

noun. green isle

toll (“island”) + calen (“green”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

tol galen

place name. Green Isle

An island in the river Adurant translated “Green Isle” (S/123), a combination of tol(l) “island” and the lenited form of calen “green” (SA/tol, calen).

Conceptual Development: The name N. Tol-galen also appeared in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s (LR/305) and at one point in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s was considered as name for Tol Brandir (TI/271).


tol(l)“island, (high steep-sided) isle”
calen“green; fresh, vigorous; †bright, green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; [S.] fresh, vigorous”
Sindarin [S/123; SA/calen; SA/tol; SI/Tol Galen; WJI/Tol Galen] Group: Eldamo. Published by