Quenya 


verb. to make firm, fix, confirm

This one is tricky. Q. tankata- is the cognate of N./S. tangad(a)- which is the normal example Tolkien used to justify the N./S. past tense suffix -ant, via analogy with half-strong past tense N./S. tangant and Q. tankante.

However, according to Q. descriptions, this verb would be expected to have a weak past ✱✱tankatáne. Thus I think tankata- actually represents conceptual vacillations on Tolkien’s parts from divergent ideas for the evolution of past tenses of Q and S, which he seems not to have resolved.

As evidence of this, see Tolkien’s aborted attempt to devise a new origin for the S past tense suffix on PE22/157:

> Make a Q. past continuous. was eating. mātante. istante, oryante, ortante. (?More) like (?aorist) in syntax. and also helps to explain wide[?] use of -ant as past in S. [added underneath] better mātānē > mātane. istane (PE22/157).


  • tankatā- “to make firm, fix, confirm” ✧ PE22/157

Phonetic Developments

tankātā- > tankata[taŋkātā] > [taŋkatā] > [taŋkata]✧ PE22/157


  • tankatā ✧ PE17/076
  • tankata ✧ PE22/157 (tankata)
Quenya [PE17/076; PE22/157] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. to make firm, fix

Quenya [PE 22:157] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by

Primitive elvish


verb. to make firm, fix, confirm


  • Q. tancata- “to make firm, fix, confirm” ✧ PE22/157


  • tañkātā̆ ✧ PE22/129
  • tañkatā́ ✧ PE22/135
  • tankātā- ✧ PE22/157 (tankātā-)
Primitive elvish [PE22/129; PE22/135; PE22/157] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 


verb. to make fixed or firm, confirm


  • N. tangad(a)- “to make firm, confirm, establish, to make firm, confirm, establish, [ᴱN.] fix”



  • tañkatā́ ✧ PE22/114

Middle Primitive Elvish


verb. to make firm


  • ᴹQ. tankata- “to make fixed or firm, confirm”
  • N. tangad(a)- “to make firm, confirm, establish, to make firm, confirm, establish, [ᴱN.] fix” ✧ PE17/044; PE17/044


  • tánkā̆ta- ✧ PE17/044
Middle Primitive Elvish [PE17/044] Group: Eldamo. Published by