Sindarin 


proper name. Sparkling Rain

Another name for Silpion translated “Sparkling Rain” (MR/155), a combination of archaic †silif “silver (light)” and ross “spray; rain”.

Conceptual Development: The name N. Silivros appeared in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s translated “Glimmering Rain” (LR/210) and also in The Etymologies, which is the source of the derivation above (Ety/ROS¹, SIL). It appeared in Silmarillion revisions from the 1950s-60s (MR/155) but not in the published version of The Silmarillion.


silif“light of Silpion, †silver, light of Silpion, †silver, *moonlight”
ross“rain; spindrift, spray, foam, rain; spray, spindrift, foam”
Sindarin [MR/155; MRI/Silivros] Group: Eldamo. Published by