Quenya 


noun. words, words, *(lit.) saying

Element in


  • quetie ✧ PE22/158; VT49/28
Quenya [PE22/158; VT49/28] Group: Eldamo. Published by


saying again, repetition

ataquetië noun (or gerund of verb) "saying again, repetition" (PE17:166). Cited as at(a)quetië, implying an alternative form atquetië.


say, speak

quet- vb. "say, speak" (SA:quen-/quet-, LT2:348), sg. aorist quetë in VT41:11 and VT49:19 (spelt "qete" in the latter source), not to be confused with the infinitival aorist stem in the example polin quetë "I can speak" (VT41:6); pl. aorist quetir in VT49:10-11, present tense quéta in VT41:13, pa.t. quentë in PM:401, 404, apparent gerund quetië in VT49:28 (by Tolkien translated as "words", but more literally evidently *"speaking"). Imperative in the command queta Quenya! "speak Quenya!" (PE17:138), see Quenya regarding the meaning of this phrase. The same verb is translated "tell" in the sentence órenya quetë nin "my heart tells me" (VT41:15). Cf. also #maquet-


verb. to say, speak, tell, to say, speak, tell, [ᴱQ.] talk


  • S. ped- “to say, speak” ✧ PE17/040; SA/quen
  • T. pet- “to tell” ✧ VT41/11


  • KWET “say, speak, utter words” ✧ PE17/126; SA/quen
    • KWE “vocal speech” ✧ WJ/392

Element in

Phonetic Developments

KWET > qet-[kwet-]✧ PE17/126
quet- > quet-[kwet-]✧ SA/quen


  • quĕt- ✧ PE17/040
  • qet- ✧ PE17/126
Quenya [PE17/040; PE17/126; PE17/137; PE17/138; PE17/160; PE17/167; PE17/181; PE22/158; PM/401; PM/404; SA/quen; VT41/06; VT41/11; VT41/13; VT49/11; VT49/19; VT49/28] Group: Eldamo. Published by