Quenya 

quenta noldorinwa

proper name. the History of the Noldor

Another title for the Quenta Silmarillion (WJ/27). It is a combination of quenta “tale” and the possessive form of Noldorin. As Noldorin is itself already an adjective, this name is best understood as the “Tale of the Noldorin (People)”.

Conceptual Development: The name ᴹQ. Qenta Noldorinwa was Tolkien’s original title of the cycle of tales that eventually became The Silmarillion (SM/77). Later, Tolkien introduced the name ᴹQ. Qenta Silmarillion which became the full title of the tales, while Quenta Noldorinwa became an alternate title (LR/202).

In later writings, this name appeared with a number of variations. In some cases its final element was the genitive plural of Noldo: Noldoron (VT39/16) or Noldorion (PM/30). Sometimes its initial element was quentalë “history” (VT39/16). This entry uses Quenta Noldorinwa for consistency with its earlier form.


  • Quenta NoldorionQuenta Silmarillion ✧ PMI/Quenta Silmarillion


quenta“story, narrative, account, history, story, narrative, account, history, [ᴹQ.] tale”
Noldorin“of the Noldo; the Noldor language”


  • Quenta Noldorion ✧ PM/030; PM/062; PMI/Quenta Silmarillion (Quenta Noldorion)
  • quentale Ñoldoron ✧ VT39/16
  • quentale Ñoldorinwa ✧ VT39/16
Quenya [PM/030; PM/062; PMI/Quenta Silmarillion; VT39/16; WJ/027; WJI/Quenta Noldorinwa] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Noldorin 

pennas ingeleidh

proper name. History of the Gnomes

Noldorin equivalent to ᴹQ. Qenta Noldorinwa, one of the names of the Silmarillion story cycle (LR/201). This name is a combination of pennas “history”, the definite article i “the” and the nasal-mutated plural of Golodh “Gnome”.

Conceptual Development: This name first appeared as N. Pennas-na-Ngoelaidh (SM/77), using na “of” and an earlier form of the plural of Golodh, along with a number of similar variants, the last being the one given above. The Sindarin form of this name has not appeared.


Noldorin [LR/201; LRI/Pennas] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 

qenta noldorinwa

proper name. History of the Gnomes



qenta“tale, story, account, history”


  • Quenta Noldorinwa ✧ RSI/Quenta Noldorinwa; SDI2/Quenta Noldorinwa; SM/077; SMI/Pennas; SMI/Quenta Noldorinwa; TII/Quenta
Qenya [LBI/Qenta Noldorinwa; LR/201; RSI/Quenta Noldorinwa; SDI2/Quenta Noldorinwa; SM/077; SMI/Pennas; SMI/Quenta Noldorinwa; TII/Quenta] Group: Eldamo. Published by