Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Primitive Elvish


root. rend

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s given as ᴱ√(U)ḶQ(U)Ḷ and glossed “rend”, having what appears to be unglossed verb forms ᴱQ. ulqin “✱I rend” and alqe “✱rended [past]” as derivatives (QL/97). There are no signs of this root in Tolkien’s later writing.


  • Eq. ulqu- “*to rend” ✧ QL/097


  • (U)ḶQ(U)Ḷ ✧ QL/097
Early Primitive Elvish [QL/097] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. kiss

The root ᴱ√MIQI “kiss” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives like ᴱQ. miq- “to kiss” and ᴱQ. miqele “kissing” (QL/61). Derivatives also appeared in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon such as G. mib “a little kiss, a peck” and G. mictha- “kiss, bill” (GL/57). The word ᴱQ. miqilitse “little or tender kiss” appeared in the ᴱQ. Nieninqe poem from the 1920s (MC/215; PE16/90, 92). Tolkien created a new version of this poem in 1955 and reused many of the same words, including Q. mikwi- “kiss” and Q. miquelis “(soft, sweet) kiss” (PE16/96); the latter also appeared as ᴹQ. miqilis “kiss” in the Declension of Nouns from the early 1930s (PE21/33). These later examples support the ongoing validity of this root, perhaps as ✱√MIKW.


  • Eq. miq- “to kiss” ✧ QL/061
  • Eq. miqe “kiss” ✧ QL/061
  • ᴹQ. miqilis “kiss”
  • G. mib “little kiss, peck”
  • G. mictha- “to kiss, bill”
Early Primitive Elvish [QL/061] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. white


  • Eq. ninqa- “to shine white”
  • Eq. ninqe “white” ✧ LT1A/Taniquetil; QL/066
  • Eq. nikte- “to whiten, cleanse” ✧ QL/066
  • Eq. niqilis “fine snow” ✧ QL/066
  • Eq. niqis “snow” ✧ LT1A/Taniquetil; QL/066
  • G. nib “snowflake”
  • G. nigor “rain, rainy weather”
  • G. nimp “pallid”
  • G. nictha- “to rain, hail, snow”

Element in

Early Primitive Elvish [LT1A/Taniquetil; QL/066] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. swan



  • G. alfa “swan” ✧ GL/18; LT1A/Alqaluntë; PE13/109


  • alqa- ✧ PE13/109
Early Primitive Elvish [GL/18; LT1A/Alqaluntë; PE13/109] Group: Eldamo. Published by

huyu Speculative

root. *fog

A hypothetical early root explaining the words in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s such as G. huir “foggy” and G. huith “fog” (GL/49). It may have been a variant of ᴱ√ǶUẎU “✱night” (QL/41).


Early Primitive Elvish Group: Eldamo. Published by