Quenya 



curu noun "skill" in names like Curufinwë (q.v.) and Sindarin Curufin, Curunir. (SA; possibly the same as curo, curu- above but there was a word curu ["k"] in Tolkien's early "Qenya", glossed "magic, wizardry" [LT1:269]).


noun. skill, skill; [ᴱQ.] magic, wizardry

@@@ more accurately what men would might “magic”, but to the Elves including what is to them ordinary skills such as mental communication and powers of foresight


  • S. curu “skill (of the hand), craft; power, ability, skill (of the hand), craft; power, ability; [N.] cunning; [ᴱN.] magic” ✧ SA/curu


  • KUR “have power, strength, ability inherent physically or mentally; skill, have power, strength, ability inherent physically or mentally; skill, [ᴹ√] craft”

Element in

  • Q. Curufinwë “*Skilled-Finwë” ✧ SA/curu; SI/Fëanor
  • Q. Curumo “*Skilled-one”
  • ᴺQ. curuni “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)”
Quenya [SA/curu; SI/Fëanor] Group: Eldamo. Published by