Quenya 


bow, bight; bend, bow, curve

lúva noun "bow, bight; bend, bow, curve" (Appendix E, PE17:122, 168). The reference is to a "bow" as part of written characters and other uses, but "not for shooting" (a bow used to shoot arrows is called quinga, possibly also if the latter term is used as in Sindarin).


noun. bow (in forming tengwar), bight, bend, curve


  • LUB “bend” ✧ PE17/122
  • dūbā “bend, bow, curve” ✧ PE17/168
    • (N)DUB “bending and drooping, ️bending, drooping” ✧ PE17/168

Phonetic Developments

LUB > lúva[lūbā] > [lūβā] > [lūβa] > [lūva]✧ PE17/122
dūbā > lúva[dūbā] > [lūbā] > [lūβā] > [lūβa] > [lūva]✧ PE17/168
Quenya [LotR/1118; PE17/122; PE17/168] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. bow

Quenya [PE 22:102] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by



quinga ("q")noun "bow" (for shooting) (KWIG, LT1:256)



#caw- vb. "bow" ("k")(1st pers aorist cawin "I bow") (LT1:257; cf. cauca, cauco). In Tolkien's later Quenya, a verbal stem with w in this position does not seem to fit the general phonology well; intervocalic w would become v. We should perhaps read *cav*- whereever the second consonant of the root follows a vowel, but the nasal-infixed past tense could be canwë with the original quality of the consonant preserved. (Compare such a past tense form as anwë, q.v.) However, Tolkiens later verb luhta**- may be preferred for intransitive "bow".