Quenya 


noun. rabbit

A word for “rabbit” appearing in its plural form lopoldi in 1965 notes on the land and beasts of Númenor (NM/335).

Conceptual Development: The earliest “rabbit” word is ᴱQ. lapatte from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, derived from primitive ᴱ✶lopatte (QL/51), and thus probably connected to the early root ᴱ√LOPO whose derivatives had to do with running animals (QL/56). ᴱQ. lapatte also appeared in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon as the equivalent of G. laboth “a hare” (GL/52). In the Declension of Nouns from the early 1930s, Tolkien instead had ᴹQ. lopo “rabbit” from primitive ᴹ✶lopō (PE21/31), again probably connected to the root ᴹ√LOP. Thus it seems likely that 1965 lopoldi was also connected to √LOP.


  • ᴹ√LOP “horse, horse; [ᴱ√] *run (of animals), gallop, lope”