Quenya 


adjective. not possible to be kindled

Quenya [PE 22:156] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


adjective. not possible to be kindled (made to shine)

An adjective mentioned in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969 demonstrating some obscure rules on how the affixes la- and -ima interact with basic verb stems and causative verbs. In particular “when combined with la- they functioned as equivalent of la + the causative (whether actually existing or not) as lakalima, not possible to be kindled ... rather than lakaltaima” (PE22/155-156). Hence lacalima constructed directly from the verbal root √KAL was correct and ✱✱lacaltaima constructed from the causative verb calta- was not.


  • lakalima ✧ PE22/156


adjective. not possible to be kindled


  • lakaltaima ✧ PE22/156 (lakaltaima)