Quenya 


noun. account of sounds

account of sounds

Quenya [PE 18:30 PE 18:8 n, 70, 82] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


proper name. Account of Sounds

Title of a section describing the sounds of Primitive Elvish from a document written in the early 1950s (PE18/82). It is a compound of láma “sound” and quenta “account”. The title was written Lámaqenta with “q” instead of “qu”, perhaps because it was copied from the section-title ᴹQ. Lámaqenta from a similar document written in the 1930s (PE18/30).


  • Lámaqenta ✧ PE18/008; PE18/082
Quenya [PE18/008; PE18/082] Group: Eldamo. Published by