

collective noun. roots, edible vegetables that are roots not fruits

A collective-noun meaning “all edible root vegetables”, as opposed to kulbu used for an individual root (SD/431).


  • √Ad. KULUB “*root (as a kind of plant)”

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Primitive adûnaic


root. *root (as a kind of plant)

One of the Primitive Adûnaic roots Tolkien used to illustrate the processes of Primitive Adûnaic word formation (SD/422-5). It also seems to be the root of words such as kulbu and kulub “root (as a kind of plant)” (SD/431), perhaps an deliberate pun by Tolkien.


  • Ad. kulbu “root”
  • Ad. kulub “roots, edible vegetables that are roots not fruits”


  • KUL’B ✧ SD/422
Primitive adûnaic [SD/422; SD/423; SD/425] Group: Eldamo. Published by