Noldorin 


place name. (Land of) the Dead that Live

An earlier name for S. Dor Firn-i-Guinar appearing in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, glossed “Living Dead” (SM/116) or “Land of the Dead that Live” (LR/305). It is a combination of the plural of G. gwarth “dead (only of persons)”, i “that” and the present form of cuina- “to live”. It is unclear why the verb was not plural or lenited, as it was in other forms of this name (and as it was on WJ/71).


  • Gwerth-i-CuinaGyrth-i-Guinar “Land of the Dead that Live” ✧ LR/305
  • Gwairth-i-cuinaGweirth-i-cuina ✧ SM/233


gwarth“dead (only of persons)”
cuina-“to be alive”


  • Gwerth-i-Guinar ✧ LRI/Gwerth-i-Cuina
  • Gwerth-i-cuina ✧ SM/116; SM/135; SMI/Cuilwarthien; SMI/Gwerth-i-cuina; WJI/Gwerth-i-guinar
  • Gweirth-i-cuina ✧ SM/233; SMI/Gwerth-i-cuina
  • Gwairth-i-cuina ✧ SM/233 (Gwairth-i-cuina); SMI/Gwerth-i-cuina
  • Gwerth-i-guinar ✧ WJ/071; WJI/Gwerth-i-guinar
Noldorin [LR/305; LRI/Gwerth-i-Cuina; SM/116; SM/135; SM/233; SMI/Cuilwarthien; SMI/Gwerth-i-cuina; WJ/071; WJI/Gwerth-i-guinar] Group: Eldamo. Published by