Sindarin 


noun. living creature, living creature, *living being; [N.] man, warrior

A noun for a “living creature” in Quenya Notes (QN) from 1957, a derivative of the primitive form ✶wegō(n) from the root √WEG “live, be active” (PE17/183). It is not entirely clear from context, but I think this word may apply to any living being, both plants and animals.

Conceptual Development: In earlier conceptions, the root √WEG and its precursors were mostly associated with masculine things, and thus the precursors to this word meant “man” rather than living creature: G. gweg “man, male of the Elda” from the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/44), ᴱN. gweg “man, male (being)” from various Early Noldorin word lists of the 1920s (PE13/122, 146, 162; PE15/62), and N. {gweg >>} gwe “man, warrior” from the Declension of Nouns of the early 1930s (PE21/1).


  • Q. vëo “living creature, living creature, *living being, [ᴹQ.] man” ✧ PE17/189


  • wegō(n) “living creature” ✧ PE17/189
    • WEG “live, be active, live, be active; [ᴹ√] (manly) vigour” ✧ PE17/189

Phonetic Developments

wegō(n) > gwê[wegō] > [wego] > [gwego] > [gweɣo] > [gweɣ] > [gwēɣ] > [gwē]✧ PE17/189
Sindarin [PE17/189] Group: Eldamo. Published by



Q. weo, veo.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:189] < *_wegō(n)_ living creature < WEG live, be active. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by