Sindarin 


masculine name. Gelmir

Two Elves had this name: the brother of Gwindor (S/188) and a messenger sent by the people of Angrod to Nargothrond (S/212). This name might be a combination of [N.] gell “joy” and mîr “jewel”, as suggested by David Salo (GS/350).

Conceptual Development: In very early drafts of the Silmarillion from the late 1920s, ᴱN. Gelmir was the king of the Gnomes (SM/6), son of ᴱN. Fingolfin (PE15/63).


gell“joy, triumph, (?victory), joy, triumph”
mîr“jewel, precious thing, treasure”
Sindarin [LBI/Gelmir; LT2I/Gelmir; SI/Gelmir; UTI/Gelmir; WJI/Gelmir] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Noldorin


masculine name. Gelmir


Early Noldorin [PE15/63; SMI/Gelmir] Group: Eldamo. Published by