Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!



masculine name. Galdor

In the earliest Lost Tales, Galdor was a Noldo lord in Gondolin, lord of the people of the Tree. In later writings, N. Galdor was an early name for Legolas in Lord of the Rings drafts and S. Galdor was used for the father of Húrin.


  • GumlinGaldor ✧ LBI/Galdor
  • GumlinGaldor ✧ SMI/Galdor


  • Eq. Aldaron “King of Forests” ✧ PE13/104


  • Gumlin ✧ LBI/Galdor; SMI/Galdor
Gnomish [LBI/Galdor; LT2/215; LT2A/Galdor; LT2I/Galdor; PE13/104; PE15/24; SMI/Galdor] Group: Eldamo. Published by