Quenya 



fana noun term denoting the "veils" or "raiment" in which the Valar presented themselves to physical eyes, the bodies in which they were self-incarnated, usually in the shape of the bodies of Elves (and Men) (RGEO:74, PE17:173-180). According to PE17:26, fana may be said to mean "shape" with "added notion" of light and whiteness, "it is thus often used where we might use a vision of something beautiful or sublime", yet with no connotation of "uncertainty or unreality".


noun. raiment, veil; (bright) shape or figure; bodily form of an angelic spirit


  • S. fân “(white) cloud; veil, curtain; form or vision of a spiritual being; spirit [embodied]” ✧ PE17/026; PE17/174; RGEO/66


  • PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision” ✧ PE17/026; PE17/179; RGEO/66
    • PHA “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)” ✧ NM/237
  • phanā “veil, cloud” ✧ PE17/173; PE17/174
    • PHAY “spirit, spirit; [ᴹ√] radiate, send out rays of light” ✧ NM/237
    • PHA “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)” ✧ NM/237
    • PHAN “cover, screen, veil; white, (light white) shape; shape, vision” ✧ PE17/173; PE17/174
    • PHA “exhalations (as mists upon water or steams and the like)” ✧ NM/237

Element in

Phonetic Developments

FAN > fana[pʰana] > [ɸana] > [fana]✧ PE17/026
phanā > fana[pʰanā] > [ɸanā] > [ɸana] > [fana]✧ PE17/173
phanā > fana[pʰanā] > [ɸanā] > [ɸana] > [fana]✧ PE17/174
PHAN > fanar[pʰanar] > [ɸanar] > [fanar]✧ PE17/179
Fana- > fana[pʰana] > [ɸana] > [fana]✧ RGEO/66
Quenya [PE17/026; PE17/173; PE17/174; PE17/175; PE17/176; PE17/179; PE17/180; RGEO/60; RGEO/66] Group: Eldamo. Published by



fána (2) noun "cloud" _(SPAN, VT46:15). _Cf. fana.



#larma (1) noun "raiment", attested in pl. form larmar (PE17:175)


noun. raiment

A word from the late 1960s for “raiment” appearing only its plural form in the phrase Valar ar Maiar fantaner nassentar fanainen ve quenderinwe coar al larmar “Valar and Maiar cloaked their true-being in veils, like to Elvish bodies and raiment” (PE17/175). It’s derivation is unclear, but it might be tied to ᴹ√LAD “lie flat” from the 1940s (PE22/126).

Element in


cloud, dark shadow

ungo noun "cloud, dark shadow" (UÑG)



lumbo noun "cloud" (pl. lumbor in Markirya), also glossed "gloom; dark, shade" (PE17:72, 168). In early "Qenya", lumbo was glossed "dark lowering cloud" (LT1:259)