Sindarin 

Emyn Arnen

noun. hills beside the water [see [His.], entry arnen]

emyn (pl. of amon “hill”), ar (#from Dor. ar - “outside, beside”) + nen (“water”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

emyn arnen

place name. Hills of Arnen

Some hills in South Ithilien (LotR/750). This name is translated “Hills of Arnen”, a combination of the plural of amon “hill” and the regional name Arnen (VT42/17).

Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this name first appeared as N. Haramon (WR/359), later revised to N. Emyn Arnen (WR/363 note #3).


amon“hill, mountain with steep sides; lump, clump, mass, hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; [G.] steep slope”
Arnen“Beside the Water”
Sindarin [LotRI/Emyn Arnen; PMI/Emyn Arnen; SA/nen; VT42/17] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Noldorin 

emyn arnen

place name. Emyn Arnen


Noldorin [WR/363; WR/372; WR/438; WRI/Emyn Arnen; WRI/Haramon] Group: Eldamo. Published by