Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya


suffix. -son

Element in




  • ios ✧ LT2A/go
  • ion ✧ LT2A/go
  • io ✧ LT2A/go
  • -yon ✧ PE14/075
  • yon ✧ PE15/77
Early Quenya [LT1A/Urwen; LT2/089; LT2A/go; LT2A/Indorion; PE14/045; PE14/075; PE15/77; QL/096; QL/103; QL/106] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. son

In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, ᴱQ. Ion was the “mystic name of God, 2nd Person of Blessed Trinity”, that is the “Son” in the “Father, Son, Holy Ghost” trinity (QL/43). In that document yon or yond- was given in a couple of places as (archaic?) words for “son” (QL/43, 106). In Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s, Tolkien gave ion as the equivalent of ᴱN. “son”, along with a plural form yondi (PE13/113). However, in the English-Qenya Dictionary Tolkien said yondi was an irregular plural form of ᴱQ. yondo “son” (PE15/77), and this is the form he typically used in later writings.


  • En. “son” ✧ PE13/144


Early Quenya [PE13/144] Group: Eldamo. Published by


suffix. adjectival suffix

Element in

  • Eq. angaina “of iron” ✧ QL/031
  • Eq. aksina “steel” ✧ PE15/77
  • Eq. yaksina “of steel” ✧ QL/105
  • Eq. kalassina “brazen” ✧ QL/044
  • Eq. talqina “made of glass” ✧ QL/088
  • Eq. kanuina “of lead” ✧ QL/044
  • Eq. karina “finished” ✧ QL/045
  • Eq. kólemaina “patient” ✧ QL/047
  • Eq. tirtina “divided, shared, distributed” ✧ QL/094
  • Eq. anaina “womanly” ✧ QL/031 (-na)
  • Eq. itisin “itching” ✧ QL/043
  • Eq. kaina “done, actual, real” ✧ QL/043
  • Eq. kuluina “golden”
  • Eq. latsina “level, smooth”
  • Eq. laurina “golden” ✧ QL/051
  • Eq. lúsina “warm, glowing (of things); affectionate, hearty (of people)” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. lúvin(a) “dark, overcast” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. malina “yellow” ✧ QL/058
  • Eq. -noina “adjective suffix”
  • Eq. pimpina “trailing” ✧ QL/074
  • Eq. polina “oaten” ✧ QL/075
  • Eq. potsina “rearward, back, rear, hinder; next, following; second” ✧ QL/075
  • Eq. rimp(in)a “striped” ✧ QL/080
  • Eq. rúvina “burst” ✧ QL/081
  • Eq. salistina “blessed” ✧ QL/081
  • Eq. silína “shimmering” ✧ QL/083
  • Eq. siltina “winnowed” ✧ QL/084
  • Eq. sistina “ulcerated, sore” ✧ QL/086
  • Eq. sitsina “habitual, customary, accustomed, usual, ordinary, common” ✧ QL/084
  • Eq. suksina “resinous” ✧ QL/086
  • Eq. sunqelaina “falling, fading, setting” ✧ QL/087
  • Eq. talarin “[unglossed]” ✧ QL/088
  • Eq. tarqin(a) “salted, dried; salt meat” ✧ QL/094
  • Eq. telpina “of silver” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. tiltin “slanting” ✧ QL/093
  • Eq. sinqina “metallic” ✧ QL/083
  • Eq. torina “baked, done” ✧ QL/094
  • Eq. tambina “of copper” ✧ QL/088
  • Eq. vórina “of fur” ✧ QL/102


  • -INA ✧ QL/031 (-INA)
  • -na ✧ QL/031 (-na); QL/102 (-na)
  • -in ✧ QL/043 (-in); QL/088 (-in); QL/093 (-in)
Early Quenya [PE15/77; QL/031; QL/043; QL/044; QL/045; QL/047; QL/051; QL/057; QL/058; QL/074; QL/075; QL/080; QL/081; QL/083; QL/084; QL/086; QL/087; QL/088; QL/091; QL/093; QL/094; QL/102; QL/105] Group: Eldamo. Published by


suffix. -son


noun. son

A word glossed {“nephew” >>} “son” in an isolated entry of the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with stem form fiond- (QL/37). The same word appeared unglossed under the early root ᴱ√SUẈU where it was derived from primitive ᴱ✶þẉ-iı̯on-d (QL/87).


Element in

  • Eq. Fionwe ✧ LT1A/Fionwë; QL/038

Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶þẉ-iı̯on-d > fion[θwijond] > [swijond] > [swiond] > [fiond] > [fion]✧ QL/087


  • Fion ✧ LT1A/Fionwë; QL/038
Early Quenya [LT1A/Fionwë; QL/038; QL/087] Group: Eldamo. Published by


suffix. genitive suffix


  • G. -n “genitive suffix” ✧ GG/10

Element in


  • -n ✧ GG/10
  • na ✧ PE16/146
Early Quenya [GG/10; PE16/146] Group: Eldamo. Published by


masculine name. Son of the Dark


  • ᴱ√MORO “*black, dark” ✧ LT1A/Mornië; QL/062


MORO“*black, dark”
yondo“son, male descendant, (great) grandson”


  • morion ✧ LT1A/Mornië; PME/063; QL/062
Early Quenya [LT1A/Mornië; PME/063; QL/062] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. son


noun. son

A word for “son” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with variants hilu and hilmo under the early root ᴱ√HILI (QL/40), both variants also appearing in the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/40).


  • ᴱ√HILI “*youth, offspring” ✧ QL/040

Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√HIL > hilu[xilū] > [xilu] > [hilu]✧ QL/040


  • hilmo ✧ PME/040; QL/040; QL/106
Early Quenya [PME/032; PME/040; QL/040; QL/106] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. son


  • G. bo(n) “son” ✧ GL/23; LT2A/bo



  • ✧ GL/23; LT2A/bo
Early Quenya [GL/23; LT2A/bo] Group: Eldamo. Published by

noun. son


noun. son

noun. son


Element in

  • Eq. -ion “-son” ✧ LT2A/Indorion; QL/106
  • Eq. Ion “*Christ” ✧ QL/043; QL/106
  • Eq. súyon “nephew, daughter’s son” ✧ QL/087
  • Eq. yondo “son, male descendant, (great) grandson” ✧ QL/106


  • ✧ LT2A/go; LT2A/Indorion ()
  • Yon ✧ QL/043
  • yon ✧ QL/087 (yon)
  • Y̯ó ✧ QL/106 (Y̯ó)
Early Quenya [LT2A/go; LT2A/Indorion; QL/043; QL/087; QL/106] Group: Eldamo. Published by


suffix. adjectival suffix

Element in

  • Eq. aistalea “worshipful” ✧ QL/034
  • Eq. alasta “of marble, marble” ✧ QL/030
  • Eq. aldea “tree-shadowed”
  • Eq. atempa “(strong) dislike” ✧ QL/090
  • Eq. auqa “awkward, clumsy (of things), difficult” ✧ QL/033
  • Eq. aurea “sunny, sunlit” ✧ QL/033
  • Eq. avíka “very much alike”
  • Eq. assea “bony”
  • Eq. talqea “glassy” ✧ QL/088
  • Eq. kityalea “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive” ✧ QL/047
  • Eq. koirea “alive, lively” ✧ QL/048
  • Eq. talanda “burdened, weighed down, sad” ✧ QL/088
  • Eq. fanórea “absent-minded” ✧ QL/037
  • Eq. ekkia “thorny” ✧ QL/035
  • Eq. eressea “lonely”
  • Eq. pómea “northern” ✧ QL/074
  • Eq. hatsea “rushing, rapid” ✧ QL/039
  • Eq. helinillea “*violet [colour]” ✧ QL/039
  • Eq. órea “of the dawn, Eastern” ✧ QL/070
  • Eq. illia “in multitudes” ✧ QL/042
  • Eq. isqalea “clever” ✧ QL/043
  • Eq. kaimassea “confined to bed, a-bed, bedridden” ✧ PE14/079
  • Eq. karneambara “*red-breasted” ✧ QL/048
  • Eq. kiryassea “what is on board ship” ✧ PE14/047
  • Eq. kómea “globe-shaped, round” ✧ QL/047
  • Eq. kotsia “nutty” ✧ QL/048
  • Eq. kulmarinda “orange-coloured” ✧ QL/049
  • Eq. kulurinda “orange-coloured” ✧ QL/049
  • Eq. lassea “with leaves, leafy” ✧ QL/051
  • Eq. latukenda “of tin” ✧ QL/051
  • Eq. laumea “dark, stormy” ✧ QL/051
  • Eq. laurea “golden” ✧ PE15/73
  • Eq. lempea “half” ✧ PE14/051
  • Eq. limpalassea “much roaring” ✧ QL/053
  • Eq. lindelea “melodious” ✧ QL/054
  • Eq. lindea “singing, *musical” ✧ QL/054
  • Eq. lindórea “singing at dawn (esp. of birds)” ✧ QL/054
  • Eq. líneneldora “having many beeches” ✧ QL/053
  • Eq. linqea “watery” ✧ QL/054
  • Eq. lintasarindea “having many willows” ✧ QL/053
  • Eq. lintuilinda “many-swallows of autumn” ✧ QL/053
  • Eq. lintuilindórea “of autumn; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn”
  • Eq. lintyulussea “having many poplars” ✧ QL/053
  • Eq. liqistea “transparent” ✧ QL/054
  • Eq. listea “full of grace, blessed” ✧ QL/055
  • Eq. lómea “*gloomy”
  • Eq. lómina “shadowy” ✧ QL/055
  • Eq. lótea “full of blossom” ✧ QL/056
  • Eq. lotórea “flourishing” ✧ QL/055
  • Eq. luina “ago” ✧ QL/056
  • Eq. lúlea “sapphirine” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. lúmia “pertaining to time, temporal” ✧ QL/056
  • Eq. lúrea “overcast, dark [of weather]” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. maqalea “handy, skilled (with hands)” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. Makarnea “Red-handed”
  • Eq. maksilistea “powerful, having possession of or authority over” ✧ QL/057
  • Eq. malikondea “of amber” ✧ QL/058
  • Eq. lempea “decimal” ✧ QL/052
  • Eq. melitsa “beloved, favourite” ✧ QL/060
  • Eq. mirmila “rippling” ✧ QL/061
  • Eq. mulda “powdery” ✧ QL/063
  • Eq. murmea “slumbrous” ✧ QL/063
  • Eq. naikelea “agonizing” ✧ QL/065
  • Eq. narka “snappy, ill-tempered” ✧ QL/064
  • Eq. násea “loathsome” ✧ QL/064
  • Eq. niqissea “snowy” ✧ QL/066
  • Eq. nardilea “perfumed” ✧ QL/068
  • Eq. nornea “of oak” ✧ QL/067
  • Eq. kaurea “timid”
  • Eq. númea “in the west, western” ✧ QL/068
  • Eq. nyenya “querulous, tearful, plaintive” ✧ QL/069
  • Eq. olórea “dreamy, dreamlike” ✧ QL/069
  • Eq. palassea “foaming (of the sea)” ✧ QL/072
  • Eq. pampil(e)a “tremulous” ✧ QL/072
  • Eq. pirindea “cylindrical” ✧ QL/074
  • Eq. pirúk(end)ea “pirouetting, whirling lightly” ✧ QL/074
  • Eq. pínea “small” ✧ QL/073
  • Eq. poldórea “muscular, powerful” ✧ QL/075
  • Eq. málea “able” ✧ PE15/67
  • Eq. qentea “verbal” ✧ QL/077
  • Eq. qim(en)ea “womanly, feminine” ✧ QL/077
  • Eq. qirqirinda “murmuring” ✧ QL/078
  • Eq. qalmea “deathly” ✧ QL/076
  • Eq. qalúmea “deadly” ✧ QL/076
  • Eq. qámea “sick” ✧ QL/076
  • Eq. qilda “quiet, hushed, still” ✧ QL/078
  • Eq. qilea “coloured, -hued” ✧ QL/077
  • Eq. qínea “squeaking” ✧ QL/077
  • Eq. qinqelea “languorous” ✧ QL/077
  • Eq. werelinda “twirling, pirouetting” ✧ QL/103
  • Eq. mírea “smiling” ✧ QL/061
  • Eq. raustea “of prey” ✧ QL/079
  • Eq. asampe(a) “cavernous”
  • Eq. rua “steady, still, tranquil” ✧ QL/080
  • Eq. saikelea “famished” ✧ QL/082
  • Eq. salamba “twanging, throbbing, resounding, echoing” ✧ QL/081
  • Eq. saminda “silken” ✧ QL/081
  • Eq. silmea “*of the moon” ✧ QL/056
  • Eq. silqeléna “having tresses” ✧ QL/083
  • Eq. silqelossea “with hair like white flowers” ✧ PE16/100
  • Eq. siliq(in)a “flinty” ✧ QL/083
  • Eq. loimea “thirsty” ✧ QL/056
  • Eq. sunqelea “westering, setting” ✧ QL/087
  • Eq. susúlima “full of wind, windy, airy” ✧ QL/086
  • Eq. telerea “elfin” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. telella “elfin” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. telúmea “final, conclusive, end; last; extreme” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. telpea “silvern” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. telusta “outer, extreme, ultimate” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. tendilea “feeling; sentimental” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. tilwínea “shining” ✧ QL/092
  • Eq. timpina “fine, powdered, sprayed” ✧ QL/092
  • Eq. timpínea “made of spray, full of fine showers, showery (of weather)” ✧ QL/092
  • Eq. tiqilindea “thawing, slushy” ✧ QL/092
  • Eq. tólea “central, middle” ✧ QL/094
  • Eq. túrea “mighty” ✧ QL/095
  • Eq. turinda “royal, of the ruling dynasty; in power” ✧ QL/096
  • Eq. turinqia “royal, Queenly” ✧ QL/096 (turinqia)
  • Eq. ulwea “alder-grown” ✧ QL/097
  • Eq. valdea “of moment, important” ✧ QL/102
  • Eq. valkea “cutting, sharp” ✧ QL/101
  • Eq. vanest(e)a “beautious” ✧ QL/099
  • Eq. vea “similar, like” ✧ QL/101
  • Eq. wilwarinda “butterflylike”
  • Eq. waliemba “tropical” ✧ QL/103
  • Eq. yarendila “like a sailor” ✧ QL/105


  • -ea ✧ QL/074 (-ea); QL/075 (-ea); QL/077 (-ea); QL/077 (-ea); QL/091 (-ea); QL/092 (-ea); QL/092 (-ea); QL/092 (-ea)
Early Quenya [PE14/047; PE14/051; PE14/079; PE15/67; PE15/73; PE16/100; QL/030; QL/033; QL/034; QL/035; QL/037; QL/039; QL/042; QL/043; QL/047; QL/048; QL/049; QL/051; QL/052; QL/053; QL/054; QL/055; QL/056; QL/057; QL/058; QL/060; QL/061; QL/063; QL/064; QL/065; QL/066; QL/067; QL/068; QL/069; QL/070; QL/072; QL/073; QL/074; QL/075; QL/076; QL/077; QL/078; QL/079; QL/080; QL/081; QL/082; QL/083; QL/086; QL/087; QL/088; QL/090; QL/091; QL/092; QL/094; QL/095; QL/096; QL/097; QL/099; QL/101; QL/102; QL/103; QL/105] Group: Eldamo. Published by


suffix. adjectival suffix


suffix. adjectival suffix

Element in

  • Eq. alkara “brilliant, bright, shining” ✧ QL/030
  • Eq. karkara “toothed” ✧ QL/048
  • Eq. diéra “yesterday’s; (mostly in sense) bygone, over, passed” ✧ QL/105
  • Eq. núora “tomorrow’s, to be; future” ✧ QL/066
  • Eq. panyara “?setting”
  • Eq. tanta(ra) “bouncing, resilient” ✧ QL/094
  • Eq. tessara “maiden, maidenly” ✧ QL/091
  • Eq. oara “of wool” ✧ QL/071
  • Eq. úsiéra “*escaped”
Early Quenya [QL/030; QL/048; QL/066; QL/071; QL/091; QL/094; QL/105] Group: Eldamo. Published by