Quenya 


of the dawn, eastern

órëa adj. "of the dawn, Eastern" (LT1:264)


urge, impel, move

#or- vb. "urge, impel, move", only of "mental" impulse. Constructed as an impersonal verb: orë nin caritas "I would like/feel moved to do so" (VT41:13), literally *"it impels for me to do so" (notice that what is the subject in English appears in the dative in Quenya). Elsewhere this verb is presented as an A-stem ora- instead (so that the aorist would be ora instead of orë, cf. ora nin "it warns me" in VT41:15), with past tense oranë or ornë, future tense oruv[a], present tense órëa and a form orië that may be the gerund; the forms orórië and ohórië were rejected but may have been intended as perfect forms (VT41:13, 18, VT49:54)

Noldorin 


verb. to urge on, speed

Noldorin [Ety/364] Group: SINDICT. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya


adjective. of the dawn, Eastern


  • órëa ✧ LT1A/Oromë
  • ōrea ✧ QL/070
Early Quenya [LT1A/Oromë; QL/070] Group: Eldamo. Published by