Looking for a place name

Account 21 #3615

Nossëm im merillë = Castle of the Rose, or more directly dwelling of the rose?

Rínor #3628

I assume you are inquiring about Quenya. I wish I could offer more assistance; however, my knowledge of Quenya is limited. I do know that ‘Q. nos(së)’ translates to ‘kindred, family.’ If you are seeking a term for ‘home’ or a similar concept, you might consider ‘Q. már,’ which means ‘home, dwelling, habitation.’ Alternatively, ‘Q. mar(da)’ denotes a ‘dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, or a place dwelt in, home.’ Beyond this, I regret that I cannot be of much help. Hopefully, others can aid you with the remainder of the translation.

I just did a Quick Look but I think it might be már i merillëo