NAME translation

Lhoss #3132

flower of death , ophelia ,

how can i translate these for elvish name ?how can i interpret these words somehow i translate the same vibe

Gwilithiel #3133

I would offer:

Guruloth/Gurulos (S. death-flower) Grestiel (S. aid-daughter, based on Ophelia being derived from Greek for "aid")

Ellanto #3134

Guruloth should rather be Golloth < ✶ŋgurū·lotse, c.f. Iarwain < ✶jārā·winjā showing that the final long vowel of the first elements should be deleted primitively.

(Or possibly Gulloth, the short [u] > [o] development is not very universal after all.)

Gwilithiel #3135

You're right, I forgot about that while writing this at 11 pm. :)

Lhoss #3138

ty so much :)