Attempting to name a character "Son of magic" or something similar and question about gendering "-iel"

Az #2960

Hello! My first post here so my apologies, language is not my specialty but I'm doing my best! :) I'm currently working on the name of a character and I've been reviewing the suffixes and dictionaries. There don't seem to be a lot of elvish words actually relating to magic, I presume due to their worldview of magic as an ordinary skill. I did find "núlë" meaning "dark magic" or "sorcery" which would work for the character as opposed to "culu". I was wondering, to maintain the meaning (especially if I'm using the character's name in places that might not give me full access to accents) how should I structure the name? My first go to would be "Núlion" as opposed to flat-out going with "Núlëion" but I'm not 100% on how naming conventions work when you're looking at that many vowels in a row and I wouldn't want to make a name that's just impossible for a native English speaker to say... Also with that, what effect would adding a second "L" have? So "Núllion"?

My second question is that I know "-ion" is usually "son of" and "-iel" is usually "daughter of" but (and this might be a bit of a difficult question) how deeply baked in to the suffixes is the gendering? I love the suffix "-iel" or "-ael" in correlation with the Hebrew angelic connotations but "-ael" isn't a suffix in Quenya and "-iel" is listed as "daughter of". My character is male and I don't want to give him an overwhelmingly female gendered name (I very much support de-gendering names but as an example naming a boy most "-a" names like Suzanna or Linda in English would currently be a bit far outside of the societal range). Are there any male names that utilize "-iel" as a suffix or connotation that it could be used in a gender-nuetral way e.g. "child of"? If so, my following idea would be "Núliel" or "Núlliel" (if, of course, the ë can be dropped or second L added).

Anyone a bit smarter than I have any thoughts on that or any alternate suggestions that could work well besides núlë?

Thank you so much!

Sámo Collarwa #2961

A belated response, but hopefully it proves insightful.

If Quenya is the target language, and your desired name is "Son of Sorcery," or "dark magic," then núlë might be the ideal noun. The name as a whole would indeed be Núlion, as the preceding would vanish. The Sindarin cognate would be Gúlion, as the usual long [û] in gûl would be slightly de-emphasized.

An alternate translation could be the more neutral Ingolion/Angolion, meaning "Son of Lore" or (in an earlier definition) "Son of Magic." The latter is from an earlier conception of Tolkien's languages where Sindarin was once considered Noldorin, so it may not be the most ideal form to take.

As for your question about suffixes, you could use -iel, if you were of a mind. But the lore concerning this suffix is that it was, from the earliest days of Eldarin, considered feminine in usage. Thus, it would be highly irregular for it to be used with a man. If gender neutrality is something you're concerned with, then you could use the suffix -hin/-hên, depending on the language. The Quenya would perhaps be Núlehin, as there can be, at times, a connecting vowel to prevent awkward consonant clusters. The Sindarin may be Gúlchen, due to so-called liquid mutation of of [h] to [x]/[ch]. But others more knowledgeable than myself would be able to clarify.

Az #2980

Sorry for the far more belated response! Thank you so very much! I will definitely be able to put together my thoughts much better with that! I truly appreciate your insight on it, that is incredibly helpful!