"You are worthy." [Translation]

Keith Barowicz #158

Hello -

I stumbled about and made my best effort to translate into Qenya. I am trying to translate "You are worthy.". I came up with "nalyë valda." Am I anywhere near the mark? Thanks for your assistance!

Tom Bombadil #159

I would say it's right. There many other ways to say it, if you will be interested, but nalye valda is also right. You could use the shorter form nál instead of nalye. You could also say it without a conjugated form of na, and use pronouns and the infinitive instead (like Galadriel did; nai elye hiruva instead of nai hiruval). So you could say:

Elye na valda (impressive)

Lye na valda (usual)


Etye na valda (impressive)

Tye na valda (usual)

are possible, that would be more familiar and less formal. It is also possible (and more usual, if the context is clear) to avoid na and to use just pronoun and adjective (Varda mára, aistana elye imica nísi, etc.). So it would just be elye valda, lye valda, etye valda or tye valda.

Quildamo #162

I’ll use Marna elyë for “You are worthy” using the syntax found in line 3 of Aia Maria

Link: eldamo.org

Aldaleon #166

Nalye works too.