Hey everyone,
i am working on a present for a friend and would like to use the ilthildin inscription from durin's gate at moria as a wooden inlay. However, i would need some words/names replaced to fit the purpose.
Names that need to be replaced:
Durin with "Marco" (who the present is for)
Narvi with "Manuel" (that would be me)
Celebrimbor with the name of whoever translates this, as that would only be fair.
Also, as i am making an instrument box, i would like to exchange "Doors" to "Chest" or "Box" and "Moria" to "Music".
The full sentence would then be: The Chest of Marco, Lord of Music. Speak, friend, and enter. I, Manuel, made [it]. your name here drew these signs.
If anyone could translate this for me, i would greatly appreciate it :)