Translation Help

Rey #1525

So, uhm, hi! My name is Rey and I need some help to translate this sentence: "May be my blood (be) your enemies' ruin" or "May my blood be your enemies'ruin." Same thing. I tried to do it alone, but since my native language is Italian, every grammar I found is written in English, and my English grammar knowledge is horrible I'm having really hard times. If you could help me it would mean a lot. Thank you.

Aldaleon #1526

Welcome to Parf Edhellen, Rey! What language (Sindarin or Quenya) would you like?

Röandil #1527

Here’s what I’d do!

Nai sercenya nauva (i) atalantë cottotyaiva/cottolyaiva/cottoldaiva.
[Che il-mio-sangue sia (la) rovina dei-tuoi-nemici.]
lit. “Be-it-that my-blood will-be ruin of-your-enemies.”

  • Quenya’s “you” is just like Italian’s, so cottotyaiva = dei tuoi nemici, cottolyaiva = dei Loro nemici, and cottoldaiva = dei vostri/Loro nemici.

No i-hereg nín i-dhant i-chyth gín/lín/dhín.
[Che il-sangue mio (sia) la-rovina dei-nemici tuoi.]
lit. “Be the-blood my the-ruin of-the-enemies your.”

  • As above, gín = tuoi, lín = Loro, and dhín = vostri/Loro.
Rey #1528

Oh thank you so much for the help! T^T (I needed it in Sindarin, I forgot to write it, but really, thank you!)