Elvish Tranlation

Ruth Imfeld #1424

Can somebody translate the blessing into Quenya?

I can‘t speak Elvish but I love the sound of the language. I would be so happy, when somebody could translate.

“Lord bless you and keep you, make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Amen“

Thank you so much! Ruth

Röandil #1425

Hi, Ruth!

My rendition follows, with some notes for your reference:

Nai Heru alyuva’r hepuva tye, nai cendelerya caluva tyenna’r raina nauva tyen. Nai Heru queruva cendelerya tyenna’r antauva sére tyen. Násie.

"May (the) Lord bless-and keep you, may his-face shine upon-you-and gracious be to-you. May (the) Lord turn his-face toward-you-and give peace to-you. Amen.”

alyuva’r: contracted from alyuva ar “bless and.” When two like vowels appear together in this way, it’s common to elide them in speech. You’ll notice I elided a few instances in this prayer; these are all optional and can stand as separate words if you like. There are a handful of “bless” verbs in Quenya; I chose this one for its sense of “make prosperous.”

tye: Quenya, like Spanish or French, distinguishes between familiar/informal tye and polite/formal lye “you” in the singular. If this prayer is addressed to multiple people, le “you all” would be used in both contexts. Wherever you see a tye- form (tye, tyen, tyenna) in my translation, lye or le can be substituted accordingly.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Ruth Imfeld #1426

Hi Röandil

Oh, thank you so much for the translation and your explanations! I am so happy to have this prayer in Quenya. It means a lot to me.