Damien Cowl #1206

Can someone help me with translating these fragments of Tolkien's poem into Quenya (neologisms required):

  1. Twilit [?yucalina]
  2. Of little early tucked-up beds [?pitya arinyë amatucaina caimaron]
  3. …your dark hair on your white night gown, and mine was tangled fair? [“--on...night gown--” : ? ninquë fúmevaimalyanna]
  4. Caught the sparkle of the seas [?... tintilië i eärellor]
  5. To greenlit glades [?laisíla paswannar]
  6. Rustling/whispering trees
  7. An ever-eve of gloaming light [?oiosinyë histanë cáleva]
  8. Glimmered into sight
  9. Thatched with straws of gold [?tupsinë sirquinen maltava]
  10. Peeping lattices
  11. Our own
  12. Garden plots
  13. Forgetmenot(s) [type of flower, please no literal translation]
  14. Cress [type of plant/?vegetable]
  15. Radishes for tea [?tea=British slang meaning lunch?]
  16. Box (pl.) [type of tree used solely for decoration, again please no literal translation]
  17. Borders [parameters of the garden] trimmed with (insert: “box”)
  18. Phlox (pl.) [type of flower]
  19. Lupins [type of flower]
  20. Pinks [type of flower]
  21. Hollyhocks [type of plant/flower]
  22. Red May-tree
  23. In their own little language [?lambince(-??a)ssë]
  24. Watering-can(s)
  25. And watered all their gowns
  26. Sprayed each other
  27. Clambering
  28. Crooning
  29. Aloof
  30. Fairy-rings [probably not a literal meaning. Proposal: ?inwételumbirindi]
  31. Daisy-strings
  32. Marigold
  33. Rhymes
  34. But side by side a little pair with heads together, mingled hair, went walking to and fro