"From their families" (Quenya)

Tom Bombadil #522

I try to translate a pretty long quote, and this sentence is one of it's parts:

"(The children were) taken from their families at the age of eight to enter the academy."

I have problems to translate "from their families". I think that we need a word for family, like nosse, and two suffixes. One of them should be a possessive pronoun, respectively suffix, and the second one should be an ablative suffix. But what about the number? At least one of the two should be plural, but which one? There are four, basically six, possible combinations:

  1. Nosseryallo (sg-sg)

  2. Nosseryallor/Nosseryallon (sg-pl)

  3. Nossentallo (pl-sg)

  4. Nossentallor/Nossentallon (pl-pl)

It is definitely not one, and I guess that it is not four, but there I am at my wits' end.

Could you tell me which combination I need and what every single one would mean in this situation?

PS. A similar problem occurs "at the age of eight". I would like to say "in their eighth year", respectively "year-their-locative eight". Their must be plural, -nta, but what about the locative ending?

PPS. The sentence describes the children and a society of a whole planet, so we might need partitive plural instead of the usual plural.

Ríon Gondremborion #523

Alrighty then, so, "From Their Families".

Based on my knowledge of Quenya, largely based off Atanquesta by Tamas Ferencz, this would result in Nossentallor, with the breakup seen below.

Nos(së) + -nta + -llo + -r. Nossë meaning family of course, adding the third person plural possessive suffix -nta would make it Nossenta, not Nossinta - "Their family" - because it takes the stem form of Nossë, had to double check on Eldamo. Then we add the the ablative case ending -llo making Nossentallo - "From their family". Nouns declined in the ablative take the regular plural suffix -r giving the plural Nossentallor - "From their families".

Semi-needless to state, since I based this all off of the section of Atanquesta dealing with possessives the ultimate authority on what I reported here is Tamas himself, so take the usual grain of salt,

Good evening to ya,

Ríon Gondremborion

Nimlothiel #524

I tried to translate this quote (I’m presuming it’s the one from Doctor Who) ages ago, but it’s most definitely inaccurate. I think I gave up half way through it, so this reminds me to revisits it with slightly more educated eyes!

Tom Bombadil #525

Nice to see another Whovian, Nimlothiel, it's of course from Doctor Who, penultimate episode of season three (new who).

Ríon Gondremborion, double plural sounds plausible to me, for the children (-nta) and the families (-llor) are both plural.

Thanks for your answers.

Tamas Ferencz #526

I don't think you need a huge grain of salt to arrive at the form nossentallor; the attested forms like símaryasse, parmastanna, tielyanna etc all support it; and the suffixes -nta/-lta and -llor/-llon are also well established.