Gloss “arda” by Ardalambion (Helge Fauskanger) created il y a 10 ans



arda noun "realm" (GAR under 3AR). It is said that arda, when used as a common noun, "meant any more or less bounded or defined place, a region" (WJ:402), or "a particular land or region" (WJ:413). Capitalized Arda "the Realm", name of the Earth as the kingdom of Manwë (Silm), "the name given to our world or earth...within the immensity of Eä"(Letters:283, there again rendered "realm"), "our planet" (MR:39), once translated "Earth" (SD:246). In a wider sense, Arda can refer to the entire Solar System (MR:337). Also name of tengwa #26 (Appendix E). Masc. name Ardamírë "Jewel of the World" (PM:348), shorter form Ardamir (UT:210); Ardaranyë "the Kingdom of Arda" (PE17:105)

Almacundo Lando #2606

Aiya ! Re(re-re-re-…)-reading the Silmarillion, I was wondering whether the origin of the word « Arda » is known to us ? We have « ar- = outside, besides », which could fit if we consider Arda being in the beginning what is « outside » the Void. Or « ar(a)- = high, noble, royal » , which could fit for the home of the Children of Iluvatar… Any loremaster with more explanation ?

Gilruin #2611

Neither, it’s arda ‘realm, region’ used as a proper name, from ★ gardā ‘region’ ← ᴹ√GAR ‘keep, hold, possess; maintain, defend’ thus probably ‘a thing possessed/defended’, cf. ★ reddā > Q resta ‘field, lit. a thing sown’ ← √RED ‘scatter, sow’, ★ yuldā > Q yulda ‘drink, draught, lit. a thing drunk’ ← √YUL ‘drink’.

Almacundo Lando #2638

Thanks for the enlightment !