Ciryaquendil #909

It has been nearly two months since I found a Youtube channel called I Atan Quenyo, which was created in early April this year and has got a video introducting his Quenya course, and I have to say; if what it's told in the introduction is true, this Youtube Quenya course would be very succesful (apart from being the only Youtube channel exclusively dedicated to Quenya), or at least merely accurate. Although, from 11th April onwards he hasn't published any video, nor lessons, nothing. And I think the reason for it is the fact that he has only 10 subscribers (among which I'm included). And it's a pity; it would be a GREAT deal if a Youtube channel could make a Quenya course with full grammar and vocabulary lessons. I myself don't need neither Youtube channels or things of sort to expand my vocabulary, but it would be incredible if people could take Quenya lessons on Youtube. So, I personally recommend all Quenya enthusiasts, and even novices to the matter checking the channel out and subscribing. Thanks.