Translation Help

Aaron Murphy #827

Hello, To be frank, I am not here to learn Elvish. I am a D&D player, and I am guessing there are probably a few of you here. I have been looking at purchasing a dice box online (Elderwood Academy) that has a design carved into it. One of the boxes I like has elvish writing. I am very much thinking of buying it because I very much like the style of script. However, I want to know what it says (if it says anything at all) before I buy it. I have no way of typing it here, but if there are any willing parties here that would be willing to translate it for me I would be able to email you a picture of it. Or you could just go to the website below and look at the design. Thanks in advance! Just scroll down to the "Choose Art" section and you'll see the Elvish design.

Elaran #828

It is nonsensical. The part at the top reads "ʧʰŋwʤʤz". The design in the middle makes even less sense.

Aaron Murphy #829

OK! Thanks for the info. I'm going to pass on it then. I really appreciate it.