Contribution “You're lovely” by Aldaleon


These are the comments on Aldaleon's contribution “Nalyë melda”.

Nalyë melda

A poem for someone special. Originally published within Vinye Lambengolmor.

Quenya Neologism

Thank you! Your contribution was approved by Aldaleon.
Aldaleon #2831

Submitting the initial draft here for discussion prior to approval. The poem is the original work authored by Vyacheslav Stepanov.

Gilruin #2832
  • vaniel isn't tagged as a perfect 2nd person.
  • máre is probably the adjectival plural of mára, not the noun.
  • should be, not the verb.
  • I don't think antaina is an imperfect participle, if I'd need to assign a tense to it, I'd say it's aorist.

@Vyacheslav Stepanov how does nás alasse "there is joy" work? Shouldn't the gloss be "it is joy" (or alternatively the Quenya be e' alasse)?

Vyacheslav Stepanov #2833

The translation provided here is not exactly what I gave on VL (it seems Aldaleon decided to edit it for some reason). This is my translation, and it has "that is joy":

You are more sweet and beautiful than an angel. Through the whole day It is heavy on me that you have gone far away And long ago. Whenever you speak to me, that is joy Like fresh water. All good feelings in my heart Are given to you.

Further comments. vanima in the first line is an adjective. The second line should have NQ. quana and not Q. quanta: (at least it is what I actually used). luë is a form of the verb lu-, not an adjective. i in the same line is a relative pronoun, not the article. And all the notes by Gilruin are correct.

Aldaleon #2837

It seems Aldaleon decided to edit it for some reason

The original English translation is very closely tied to the Quenya translation, so I thought it was a literal translation. This is why I made a few changes to the English translation. This is especially why I wanted it reviewed before publishing! I'll update the translation to be verbatim what's on Eldamo.

What kind of title would you like to give the poem?

Regarding quana and lue, I'm glad I asked! I wasn't aware of either. quana appears to be a recent addition as it's not in our last imported glossary. I'll go over the word grammar links and correct them as per your feedback. I must admit that I was a bit too hasty to trust the machine suggested inflections for some of these. :)



Vyacheslav Stepanov #2838

Sure, that's fine. As for the title, let's call it "Nalyë Melda".

Aldaleon #2839

I don't think antaina is an imperfect participle, if I'd need to assign a tense to it, I'd say it's aorist.

I was a little too fast on the options. I believe the appropriate inflection would be passive participle.

I've updated the poem accordingly.

Vyacheslav Stepanov #2840

@Aldaleon vanima still refers to the card of the noun (or substantivized adjective) while should refer to this: vániel is still not marked as perfect. Otherwise everything looks fine for me.

Aldaleon #2842

Hm, vanima appears to be an aberration. A bug where the speech and inflections are listed for the original gloss alongside the specific ones for the word of the poem. I’ll fix that by hiding the former before publishing.

Vyacheslav Stepanov #2871

@Aldaleon Just to note once again that the vániel is not tagged as a perfect. Otherwise everything seems fine for me.