Contribution “Caladraeth” by Galadoneth A-Camhollen


These are the comments on Galadoneth A-Camhollen's contribution “Caladraeth”.


 noun. lamp, lightbulb

The Sindarin word for lightbulb. It is derived from "calad" (meaning light, specifically inner light as opposed to "galad" (reflected light)) and "raeth" (meaning sphere).

Sindarin [] Group: Eldamo - neologism/adaptations. Published by
Sindarin light, lightbulb, lamp

Thank you for your contribution! But unfortunately, your contribution was rejected by Gilruin. Reason:

raeth doesn’t seem to mean sphere in the sense needed here, check out Sindarin calar and primitive kalatta > *calath

You are welcome to adapt your submission and submit it for review again.

Gilruin #2561

Thanks for contributing to Parf Edhellen!

Do you feel like the attested word calar ‘lamp’ or kalatta ‘lamp’ > calath. As for raeth, I don’t think it actually means the kind of sphere you are looking for, the full gloss “extent, reach; region, sphere, district, scope” from a √RAHA “stretch forward”, which suggests to me that raeth has nothing to do with roundness in particular.

Gilruin , Gilruin

Galadoneth A-Camhollen #2569

Thanks for the help. I see the issue, as "sphere" in this case (raeth) is more of an area or region than a geometric shape. I will strive for a better understanding of Tolkien's languages to better serve this fantastic site.