Contribution “mólta-” by Sámo Collarwa


These are the comments on Sámo Collarwa's contribution “molta-”.


 verb. "to enslave, enthrall"


  • mōl “slave, slave, [ᴹ✶] thrall”
  • “labour, be afflicted”


  • ᴺS. multha- “to enslave, enthrall”

Phonetic Developments

> moltā-[moltā-]
Quenya [Parf Edhellen entrie(s): MŌ; mōl; mól] Group: Neologism. Published by
Quenya enslave enthrall molta- to enslave to enslave, enthrall to enthrall
Thank you! Your contribution was approved by Gilruin.
Gilruin #2412

That’s causative “to make a slave, enslave”, so you want a long vowel -tā.

Sámo Collarwa #2418

Right, I should have guessed. Thought the formative ending was appropriate, for some reason.

Gilruin #2422

Also, (don’t know why I missed that before) long vowels shorten before consonant clusters, which gives us Q molta-, S moltha-.