Contribution “Meiniast” by xCelticLynxx


These are the comments on (Deleted 2022-10-09 20:51:08)'s contribution “Meiniast”.


noun. firstfruits


Thank you for your contribution! But unfortunately, your contribution was rejected by Gilruin.

You are welcome to adapt your submission and submit it for review again.

Gilruin #2304

Thanks for contributing to Parf Edhellen!

Assuming you mean this sense of the word, it’s probably in some way it from mein “first” and √YAB, but I don’t understand the process by which -st arises, so I would ask you to detail your derivation.

gilruin · Gilruin

(Deleted 2022-10-09 20:51:08) #2311

The -st derives from the fan-adapted Sindarin word iaust. It was considered whether the -st would be the most correct, though I am unsure if it is.

Gilruin #2315

Ah, I forgot about that word. I don't like it particularly but I suppose it's fine. However AU in polysyllabic words changes to O, so -iost. A sometimes happens before clusters that shorten long ā, e. g. nār > naur but Nr-winjā > Narwinjā > Narwain, but as the ST didn't block Ā > AU in iaust, it has no reason to do it in a compound.

Also, I'd ask you to add an explanation of the derivation to the entry itself.