Account “Tamas Ferencz”

These are the comments that can be found on Tamas Ferencz's profile.

Tamas Ferencz #578

As some of you will know, there is a strong and active community for discussing the languages of Middle Earth on Google Plus which has been going strong for the past six or seven years. Sadly, Google in their eternal wisdom have decided to shut down Google + from August next year, so it is necessary to find a new place where the community can continue the conversation. So I have decide to revive my old community website Aglardh which is now up and running and can receive registrations and posts. Everyone who wants to be part of the community is welcome to join and contribute.

Aldaleon #579

Thank you Tamas. I did participate in the community as a silent observer, ever enjoying the snippets of poetry available there.

However, you do not need to revive and maintain a community platform on your own. There is one here, and is open to everyone. If there are any missing features that prevents you from migrating to our community, please let me know and I will look into it.

Kind regards,

Leonard “Aldaleon”

Tamas Ferencz #580


thank you for your offer. it is very kind, and this is a great website and excellent resource (and I intend to utilise it as much as possible on Aglardh). I believe however that Parf Edhellen and Aglardh (and the Google Plus community which it intends to replace/continue) serve different needs and purposes - they work as complementary. I very much hope there will be a constant interconnection, traffic, and shared membership base between all the current sites/communities dealing with Tolkien's languages (Parf Edhellen, Eldamo, Discord, Realelvish, Aglardh, G+ while it is still there, MeWe etc.)

david wendelken #3059

I just wanted to thank you for all your help in translating words and phrases into Quenya. It's been really helpful!