Account “Seregrían”

These are the comments that can be found on Seregrían's profile.

Seregrían #3789

Suilaid! In an ongoing effort to refine my manuscript, I am revisiting old translations of both Quenya and Sindarin, for which I have had inferior translation sources in the past.

I am looking for the most accurate translations in both tongues for the commands, "You will burn!" or, "May fire be your doom!"

Any assistance would be most gratifying!

Rínor #3790

In Sindarin Ornathog! is "You will burn!" and since "May" (modal verb) is used here in a subjunctive mood to express a wish or hope in your sentence "May fire be your doom!.

I would suggest ᴺS. !mer- v. “to hope, wish, desire, want” for it.

So "I hope fire is your doom." Merin naur i-amarth dhín.

Seregrían #3791

I do like the rendering of the second - but why would the first not simply be "Ornatho", what am I not understanding?

Rínor #3793

So in the sentence "You will burn!" "will" (auxiliary verb) is used to form the future tense, indicating an action that is expected to take place in the future.

Your verb "burn" (infinitive) is the main verb of the sentence, indicating the action of being consumed by fire or feeling a sensation akin to being on fire.

If you use just "Ornatho" that is just "Will burn!". So as a command you would either say "Ci orno!" (You burn!) or "Orno!" (Burn!) or "Ornathog! the conjugated future tense form of "orna-"

Using "Ci ornatho!" would be very speculative and I don't think we should use that form.

Seregrían #3796

Now I comprehend it better, thank you! Every correction is a facet on the gem...